Saturday, August 1, 2009

Senator Chris Dodd

It’s definitely a setback for US President Barack Obama’s team engaged in the battle to implement health care reform throughout the country, Senator Christopher Dodd would undergo surgery for prostate cancer in August during the congressional recess. There is hardly any doubt that the Democratic senator is one of the foremost proponents of extensive health care reform in the whole of United States and he is also a ranking Democrat on the health, education, labor and pensions committee, at the same time.

But what is most striking is his serenity. Christopher Dodd is of 65 years of age and indicates that prostate cancer is nothing new for a person of this age. “The benefit of being in Congress and having a good health care plan is not one available to everyone,” he said.

While talking at the televised press conference in Hartford, in his home state of Connecticut, he informed that he had managed to detect his disease early on account of an annual medical checkup. “We can talk in abstractions about health care, but in some ways what I’m going through many people do,” he said. “It’s not about me — it’s about people without health care, the ones under-insured.” How do you judge this? Isn’t this one of the best specimens of social consciousness known hitherto?

Dodd said he would need only “brief recuperation” at home and intended to run for re-election in November 2010.”I’m running for re-election,” he said, adding without being serious: “I’ll be running without a prostate but I’ll be a better candidate.”

We are not sure what is there in the future for him but it must be admitted that Senator Christopher Dodd has the courage to fight until death and he is also the person who took advantage of the annual medical checkup.

It’s true that the impoverished section of US society is also in the need of same.